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World AIDS Day

With an estimated 37 million people currently living with HIV globally and 2.1 million people becoming newly infected each year, Johnson & Johnson stands united with the global community to fight HIV and care for those infected, and impacted.

We are working to ensure every baby is born HIV-free, adolescents and adults stay HIV-free, and those living with HIV have access to the medicines they need. This site shares some of the stories of progress and hope we see today.
A large group of students in green school uniforms standing outside for an assembly

Featured stories

Dr. Paul Stoffels reports on progress in fighting AIDS

Dr. Paul Stoffels has spent much of his career fighting AIDS. He is the Chief Scientific Officer of Johnson & Johnson, who started his career working in Africa, researching the mysterious and frightening disease that would soon become known as AIDS.

What it’s like to live—and thrive—when you have HIV

When the first cases were reported 35 years ago, it meant certain death. But thanks to advances in science, people with HIV can now lead healthy lives. People like activist Kevin Maloney, who’s on a mission to ensure others like him get that chance.

Nyumbani is changing the story of AIDS in Africa

Meet the children of Nyumbani

A portrait of Nyumbani Village where 1,000 children impacted by HIV live.

The Nyumbani Choir

The song of life is the song heard here.

Spread my wings

A portrait of Nyumbani featuring a song performed by Grace Wairimu, a child of Nyumbani.

You can do something today, right now:

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For Every Photo You Share Via the Donate a Photo App, Johnson & Johnson Will Donate $1 to a Cause You Care About

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For Every Dollar You Pledge on CaringCrowd®, Johnson & Johnson Will Match Your Donation (Up to $250/Project)

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Move for a Cause on World AIDS Day and Help Raise Funds for (RED) and Other Causes When You Use the Charity Miles App

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