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Quiz: How much do you know about insomnia?

Plenty of things can come between you and a good night’s sleep: stress, anxiety and pain, to name a few. In honor of Better Sleep Month, take this quiz to test your insomnia IQ—and get expert-approved tips on how to up the number of Zzzs you get every night.

New year, new healthy habits: 5 expert-backed ways to get better sleep in 2023

Make this the year you finally feel rested—with some help from these top sleep researchers.

New year, new healthy habits: 4 science-backed ways to help beat stress in 2023

It can often feel like stress is just an accepted part of life, but that doesn’t mean it has to control your life. A few easy behavior tweaks can help set you up for calmer days. This Johnson & Johnson behavior scientist should know.

12 Simple Tips for Making 2020 Your Healthiest Year Yet

There’s no better time to kick off a wellness regimen than the new year. To help inspire you, we compiled a month-by-month guide of our top expert-backed tips for everything from combating allergies come springtime to getting better shut-eye in 2020.

Nod™: The digital coach designed to help your baby sleep better

Is your little one keeping you up at night? This new app could help answer some of your late-night “I need more sleep!” prayers.

7 Easy Ways to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions (Really!)

How many times have you promised that you’ll eat better, exercise more and take better care of your health come January 1—only to abandon those resolutions before month’s end? Make 2019 the year you actually keep them with these simple strategies.

7 Secrets of a Baby Sleep Expert

Slumber can already be elusive for most adults, but add a baby who refuses to go to sleep into the mix, and you’re in for some serious insomnia. But this pediatric sleep specialist may be able to help.