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3 vintage Johnson & Johnson ads with dads that will melt your heart

Who says only moms and babies make for adorable images? To celebrate Father’s Day, we’re digging into our company archives to showcase dads who had cameos in Johnson’s® product ads.

From ‘Mama Google’ to MomConnect: The text service that’s reinventing parenting in South Africa

After three kids, Nosiphiwo Skota thought she knew all there was to know about child-rearing—until she began receiving messages from MomConnect. For Mother’s Day, she shares why her phone is now an invaluable tool in her parenting arsenal.

6 next-gen healthcare innovations designed to boost your mind, body, and soul

From a scanner you can use at home to get personalized skin advice to a baby gadget that delivers peace of mind come sleep time, these and other cutting-edge devices are making their debut at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this week.

In support of moms & dads: Johnson & Johnson to attend Women’s and Father’s Summits

We’ve always put families first. This week we’re attending two summits: One to support women’s equality, and one to help dads everywhere. See how our benefit policies assist families of all kinds.