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Neonatal health

The day I met some of Save the Children’s guardian angels: How a program in Bangladesh is helping newborns thrive

Johnson & Johnson’s Chief Human Resources Officer reflects on a life-changing trip he took to Dhaka with the organization—and announces a new $5 million pledge to Save the Children’s Centennial Commitment.

Caring & giving around the globe: 43 Johnson & Johnson programs that are transforming lives—and the future of healthcare

Check out this fun interactive map for a glimpse at how the company is helping people on nearly every continent live healthier lives.

5 ways Johnson & Johnson helps keep the littlest patients safe around the world

Every last patient is important to Johnson & Johnson. And that includes the tiniest ones of all: preemies and newborns.

Delivering on Good Everyday: 3 Stories of Young Midwives in Action Around the World

Meet three young women from China, Mexico and South Africa who are carrying this age-old tradition into the 21st century.

How a Partnership Between the U.S. and China Saved Thousands of Babies

It was an historic initiative: train healthcare workers across China in neonatal resuscitation. We go behind the scenes to explore the secrets of the program’s success.

8 reasons why the world is a far better place today for girls around the globe

To help kick off Women Deliver 2016, we take a look at the many ways a young girl today faces a brighter future.