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James Wood Johnson

Band of brothers: Meet the innovative men who founded Johnson & Johnson in 1886

The largest healthcare company in the world began as a simple partnership among three forward-thinking siblings. We explore the lasting impact James, Edward Mead and Robert Johnson, the company’s first president, had on Johnson & Johnson.

The story behind the romantic Johnson & Johnson ad that ran for an unprecedented 30 years

With Valentine’s Day upon us, it’s the perfect time to pay homage to an iconic couple featured in an ad for Red Cross® Kidney Plasters. Johnson & Johnson’s Chief Historian reveals why the public fell so madly in love with it.

A sign of the times: the story behind Johnson & Johnson’s iconic logo

There’s a reason the company logo is so recognizable—it’s been around for 130 years. We trace its history, starting with the day it first appeared on a company check signed by its founder.

Meet Fred Kilmer: One of Johnson & Johnson’s earliest pioneers

The company’s first scientific director was responsible for groundbreaking innovations that surgeons use to this day. But there’s a lot more to this Renaissance man’s impressive story.