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Intestinal worms

5 things to know about how Johnson & Johnson is helping kids with intestinal worms

For World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day, check out a video highlighting the company’s commitment to caring for children with these common infections across the globe.

At the heart of science: How a small chewable tablet is helping tackle a disease that impacts nearly 1 billion children globally

Imagine getting so sick from a preventable disease that you can’t play or attend school—multiple times a year. For World Children’s Day, we’re sharing the story of Sheti and others just like her who now have a chance to take back their childhoods, thanks to a new formulation of a medication to treat intestinal worms.

A year of firsts: 6 ways Johnson & Johnson made history in 2019

From a first-of-its-kind contact lens that darkens when exposed to bright light to the first donation of 500,000 doses of an Ebola vaccine, here are just some of the ways Johnson & Johnson helped change the trajectory of health for humanity this past year.

How Johnson & Johnson is helping tackle a devastating tropical disease that impacts kids

A new World Health Organization prequalification for mebendazole means the company can reach even more young people with intestinal worm infections around the globe.

Caring & giving around the globe: 43 Johnson & Johnson programs that are transforming lives—and the future of healthcare

Check out this fun interactive map for a glimpse at how the company is helping people on nearly every continent live healthier lives.

3 under-30 health leaders who want to help make today’s kids the healthiest generation

The first few years of a child’s life are pivotal when it comes to future health and well-being. Just ask these young men and women—all 2018 One Young World Summit Scholars—who won’t rest until they’ve given children a chance to reach their full potential.

6 Ways Johnson & Johnson Helps Keep Kids Safe

From safer product packaging to an initiative that helps the youngest Syrian refugees, these are just some of the ways the company has made it a mission to safeguard the well-being of children across the globe.

How Johnson & Johnson is helping save children around the world from intestinal worm infections

For the fifth anniversary of the London Declaration, we’re sharing the steps the company has taken to fulfill its promise to fight neglected tropical diseases—including the development of a chewable form of mebendazole.

Johnson & Johnson secures a top spot on the 2016 Access to Medicine Index

The index looks at companies that do the best job of providing access to medications in developing countries. Johnson & Johnson ranked #2—and here’s why.