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Improving access to medicine around the world

Johnson & Johnson earned the #2 spot on the Access to Medicine Index, an important measurement of the company’s longstanding commitment to make lifesaving medicine available and accessible to those who need it most.

5 things we now know about the tropical disease dengue

As global temperatures continue to rise, so too does the incidence of this mosquito-borne virus. For World Neglected Tropical Disease Day, learn the latest about this growing health threat and how Johnson & Johnson is working to combat it.

Meet the Johnson & Johnson Scientist Who’s Helping to Fight Tropical Diseases in His Homeland

Two decades after leaving India, Anil Koul has returned to helm its Institute of Microbial Technology. For Dengue Awareness Month, we caught up with him to learn how he’s hoping to combat this tropical scourge and another disease that kills over a million worldwide.