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  5. PAN-TB Collaboration Announces the Start of a Phase 2 Clinical Trial to Evaluate Two Novel Tuberculosis Treatment Regimens

PAN-TB Collaboration Announces the Start of a Phase 2 Clinical Trial to Evaluate Two Novel Tuberculosis Treatment Regimens

August 9, 2023 – The Project to Accelerate New Treatments for Tuberculosis (PAN-TB) collaboration – of which Johnson & Johnson is a founding member – announced today the start of a phase 2b/c clinical trial, sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Medical Research Institute (Gates MRI). The trial will evaluate whether novel regimens that combine registered products and new chemical entities have the potential to effectively treat drug-sensitive TB (DS-TB) and inform the development of a “pan-TB” regimen capable of treating all forms of active pulmonary TB.

To learn more, see the press release from PAN-TB.