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Johnson & Johnson’s Official Statement in Response to Today’s Verdict in St. Louis Trial

New Brunswick, NJ (July 12, 2018) -- Johnson & Johnson issued the following statement regarding today’s verdict in the St. Louis court.

“Johnson & Johnson is deeply disappointed in the verdict, which was the product of a fundamentally unfair process that allowed plaintiffs to present a group of 22 women, most of whom had no connection to Missouri, in a single case all alleging that they developed ovarian cancer. The result of the verdict, which awarded the exact same amounts to all plaintiffs irrespective of their individual facts, and differences in applicable law, reflects that the evidence in the case was simply overwhelmed by the prejudice of this type of proceeding. Johnson & Johnson remains confident that its products do not contain asbestos and do not cause ovarian cancer and intends to pursue all available appellate remedies. Every verdict against Johnson & Johnson in this court that has gone through the appeals process has been reversed and the multiple errors present in this trial were worse than those in the prior trials which have been reversed.”

Press Contacts:
Carol Goodrich

Ernie Knewitz
(732) 524-6623
(917) 697-2318 (M)