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Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Enters Monthly Category with ACUVUE® VITA™ Brand Contact Lenses

Data Shows New Lens Superior to Leading Competitors in Comfort across 30-Day Wearing Cycle

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (June 30, 2016) – Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc. today announced the U.S. launch of ACUVUE® VITA™ Brand, a 30-day daily wear contact lens with new HydraMax™ Technology that provides superior comfort all month long over other leading monthly brands.

In recent surveys of monthly contact lens wearers, more than two-thirds of respondents said they experience comfort related issues with their lenses at some time during the month, and 84% of these patients use compensating behaviors such as re-wetting drops or taking breaks from wearing their contact lenses. In addition, of those patients experiencing comfort related issues, 73% reported that they did not plan to tell their doctor about their lens wearing experience because most considered their comfort issues “normal.” Some raised concerns that if they did so, this would lead to their doctors taking them out of contact lenses.

“While we continue to believe that a shorter wearing cycle is better in contact lenses, these survey results shine a light on the critical unmet need in the monthly category,” said Zohra Fadli, Ph.D., Global Platform Lead Reusable Sphere, Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc. “These patient insights helped us recognize the challenges that monthly wearers face and drove our commitment to provide them with a meaningful solution. We know that a change in lens hydration may contribute to a decline in monthly lens comfort, so we focused our efforts on designing a lens that helps maximize and maintain lens hydration, providing reliable, superior comfort all month long.”

When compared to other leading monthly brands (Air Optix® Aqua, Biofinity® and Ultra™), patient ratings for ACUVUE® VITA™ were superior for ‘Overall Comfort’ at Weeks 1, 2, 3 & 4. Even competitors’ ‘Overall Comfort’ at Week 1 could not beat ACUVUE® VITA™ comfort at Week 4.

ACUVUE® VITA™ with HydraMax™ Technology is a new non-coated silicone hydrogel formulation. This Eye-Inspired™ Design helps:

  • Maximize and maintain lens hydration all month long
  • Enhance comfort through a unique Infinity Edge™
  • Provide UV protection by blocking approximately 93.4% of UVA rays and 99.8% of UVB rays†‡

“Optimal hydration was our goal for this new innovation,” said Peter Shen, Ph.D., Vice President, Worldwide Research & Development, Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc. “The HydraMax™ Technology in ACUVUE® VITA™ helps maximize lens hydration by integrating the maximum amount of hydrating agent in this lens and then, maintains hydration through optimal density and distribution of beneficial lipids throughout this lens.”

Some lens materials are not able to optimally integrate and distribute lipids; this can lead to lipids aggregating on the lens surface and ultimately to deposit formation. The material in ACUVUE® VITA™, senofilcon C, is designed to integrate the optimal density and distribution of beneficial lipids throughout this lens, while maintaining a low deposition profile. A natural function of lipids in the tears is to help protect against tear film evaporation. ACUVUE® VITA™ leverages the function of these beneficial lipids to help maintain lens hydration with a reduced evaporation rate through this lens. In fact, the evaporation rate of ACUVUE® VITA™ is 33% lower than other leading monthly brands.

For more information, visit

For more than 30 years, Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc. has focused exclusively on improving vision through quality contact lenses, never compromising on its goal to create technologies that make meaningful differences in people’s lives.

A deep understanding of patient lifestyle needs as well as those of eye care professionals has driven R&D to create innovative solutions designed to complement the natural function of the eye. By developing contact lenses based on a deep understanding of how the eye works, the ACUVUE® Brand strives to maximize the eye’s natural wellbeing during contact lens wear, and give patients and eye care professionals an exceptional experience.

About Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc.
Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc. is committed to creating life-long solutions to vision care needs. Since the ACUVUE® Brand made its debut in 1987 as the world’s first disposable soft contact lens, the company has repeatedly brought innovative, quality, and scientific advancements to the industry. Headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, the company has some 3,000 employees worldwide. For more information, visit


For further information, contact:

Kim Montagnino
631-375-8779 (mobile)

Important Information for Contact Lens Wearers: ACUVUE® Brand Contact Lenses are available by prescription only for vision correction. An eye care professional will determine whether contact lenses are right for you. Although rare, serious eye problems can develop while wearing contact lenses. To help avoid these problems, follow the wear and replacement schedule and the lens care instructions provided by your eye doctor. Do not wear contact lenses if you have an eye infection, or experience eye discomfort, excessive tearing, vision changes, redness or other eye problems. If one of these conditions occurs, contact your eye doctor immediately. For more information on proper wear, care and safety, talk to your eye care professional and ask for a Patient Instruction Guide, call 1-800-843-2020 or visit

†Helps protect against transmission of harmful UV radiation to the cornea and into the eye. ‡WARNING: UV-absorbing contact lenses are NOT substitutes for protective UV-absorbing eyewear such as UV-absorbing goggles or sunglasses because they do not completely cover the eye and surrounding area. You should continue to use UV-absorbing eyewear as directed. NOTE: Long-term exposure to UV radiation is one of the risk factors associated with cataracts. Exposure is based on a number of factors such as environmental conditions (altitude, geography, cloud cover) and personal factors (extent and nature of outdoor activities). UV-blocking contact lenses help provide protection against harmful UV radiation. However, clinical studies have not been done to demonstrate that wearing UV-blocking contact lenses reduces the risk of developing cataracts or other eye disorders. Consult your eye care practitioner for more information.

ACUVUE® VITA™ with HydraMax™ Technology, Infinity Edge™, and EYE-INSPIRED™ Design are registered trademarks of Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc.

Third party trademarks used herein are trademarks of their respective owners.