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Johnson & Johnson Statement on Conflict in Ukraine

NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J., March 4, 2022 – Johnson & Johnson comes together with the world in support of Ukraine. We are deeply concerned by the ongoing conflict, and we stand with all the innocent people affected.

For more than 130 years, we have been drawn to help and moved to act in times of need, and today is no different. Johnson & Johnson is:

  • Ensuring the safety of our employees and their families in the region by providing ongoing support, including access to lodging and financial resources.
  • Donating $5 million to support the work of the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and International Federation Red Cross and Red Crescent to provide humanitarian support for refugees in the border countries.
  • Providing product donations including hygiene kits, health packets and medical supplies.
  • Launching an unlimited matching program for our global employees with Global Giving Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund.
  • Continuing to work with our longstanding partners in global health - International Health Partners (IHP, UK), Americares (US), Direct Relief (US), IFRC, Save the Children and UNICEF – to support those in the region by providing them access to our supply chain network to strengthen their reach and capabilities.

At Johnson & Johnson, we believe we are responsible to the communities in which we live and work and to the world community as well. We will continue to support those most directly impacted and are committed to providing access to our essential medical products in the countries where we operate, in compliance with current international sanctions.

We are hopeful for a peaceful resolution as soon as possible.