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Inside the development of a revolutionary treatment for blood cancers

In 2014, a Johnson & Johnson therapy gained approval for the treatment of a type of B-cell malignancy—increasing survival rates and changing the way scientists approach cancer treatment. These 8 milestone moments tell the transformational story.

“I’m a scientist dedicated to bringing eye-health innovations to the world”

Meet Xiao-Yu Song, Global Head of Research & Development for Vision at Johnson & Johnson, who leads a talented team that creates cutting-edge products addressing vision problems through all stages of life.

How robots are helping personalize knee replacement surgery

For Arthritis Awareness Month, learn the latest about this common procedure and how Johnson & Johnson MedTech is innovating to improve patient outcomes.

“I couldn’t speak, walk or sit.” Inside a rare autoimmune disease that attacks the muscles

Elisa Glass was diagnosed with dermatomyositis, which causes severe muscle weakness throughout the body. For Myositis Awareness Month, she shares her story.

What is IL-23?

This pro-inflammatory protein is the target of potential Johnson & Johnson medications that could help treat autoimmune conditions such as psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

Reconnecting the meaning of these two simple words: Health&Care

Johnson & Johnson is restoring the true meaning of healthcare by developing advanced treatments and smarter and less invasive solutions for today’s most complex diseases.

What is a gene mutation?

Experts aren’t sure why, but sometimes changes in DNA can trigger cancer to grow and spread. For DNA Day learn all about gene mutations—and Johnson & Johnson’s work developing new therapies to target these specific types of cancer.

Meet 3 leaders who are breaking new ground for women in healthcare

For International Women’s Day, celebrate the achievements of these amazing female scientists and researchers at Johnson & Johnson.

What is low vision?

Low vision isn’t the same as blindness, but navigating daily life with it is still challenging. For Low Vision Awareness Month, learn the facts—plus, the promising treatment innovations that are in the works.

What is an orphan drug?

The need for these rare disease therapies is strong, and access to them can be lifesaving. Here’s how Johnson & Johnson is innovating to help give patients options.