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Health and wellness

What’s the difference between IBS and IBD?

These GI conditions sound similar, and they also share some symptoms. But IBS and IBD are distinct disorders—especially when it comes to treatment and the risk of complications.

How robots are helping personalize knee replacement surgery

For Arthritis Awareness Month, learn the latest about this common procedure and how Johnson & Johnson MedTech is innovating to improve patient outcomes.

5 things we now know about bladder cancer

Paradigm-shifting new therapies are helping people with the disease lead longer, more comfortable lives. For Bladder Cancer Awareness Month, learn how Johnson & Johnson is helping to change the treatment landscape.

What is IL-23?

This pro-inflammatory protein is the target of potential Johnson & Johnson medications that could help treat autoimmune conditions such as psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

Building climate-resilient health clinics

When Mother Nature strikes—think triple-digit heatwaves, wildfires, hurricanes—vulnerable populations are at risk of missing out on much-needed healthcare. For Earth Day, learn how Johnson & Johnson is helping community clinics protect patients.

What is cardiac ablation?

For American Heart Month, learn how Johnson & Johnson is innovating to help treat the millions of people who are living with atrial fibrillation and other conditions that cause an irregular heartbeat.

Is this the end of one-size-fits-all treatments for depression?

For Mental Health Month, learn how Johnson & Johnson is working to bring personalized psychiatry to the 7 in 10 people with depression whose treatments aren’t getting the job done.

3 ways Johnson & Johnson is helping make healthcare more sustainable

Climate change is intertwined with just about every industry worldwide, including healthcare. For Earth Day, here’s a look at how Johnson & Johnson is taking action to help support a healthy planet.

By the numbers: Who gets lung cancer?

Each year, more people die of lung cancer than colon, breast and prostate cancers combined. Learn how Johnson & Johnson is dedicated to improving outcomes by integrating the company’s MedTech and Innovative Medicine expertise.

Quiz: How much do you know about psoriasis?

The chronic skin condition causes itchy and scaly patches, but it’s much more than simply a cosmetic concern. For World Psoriasis Day, take this quiz to test your psoriasis IQ—and learn why Johnson & Johnson is working on new and more effective treatments for this common autoimmune disease.