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Social Media Saves Lives

Share Red Save Lives

Have you seen this infographic circulating around Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest?

People across the globe are sharing it – from moms to businesspeople to Hollywood celebrities. It’s all part of a campaign led by Johnson & Johnson and (RED) to help end mother-to-child transmission of HIV.

Every time the infographic is liked, tweeted, pinned, Johnson & Johnson donates $1 to the Global Fund, up to $100,000.

You might be asking yourself this:

Why doesn’t Johnson & Johnson simply donate money directly to the Global Fund and not worry about sharing an infographic across social media?

That’s one of the questions that a recent article in Forbes Magazine asks, too. In the article, writer Steve Olenski interviewed Anu Gupta, our Director of Corporate Contributions, and Chrysi Philalithes, Chief Digital Officer at (RED) to find out a little more about why and how this campaign started. It’s a great piece that helps explain why it was so important to use social media to call people to action.

As Anu says in the article, “Just like the AIDS epidemic, social media knows no geographic boundaries.”

You can read the full Forbes article here.

Gigi Ross is a wife and mom of two kids (a 10 year-old boy and an 8 year-old girl) living in San Diego, CA. Gigi works as a content and community manager for Johnson & Johnson. A blogger and writer in her spare time, Gigi’s work has been featured on the Huffington Post, Babble, BlogHer and Mamapedia. She keeps her personal blog at KludgyMom.