Pretty presents under the tree aren’t the only way to brighten a child’s spirits this holiday season—especially if that child happens to live in a region of the world where even the most basic needs are hard to fulfill.
With the Save the Children Gifts of Joy catalog, you can help fund programs aimed at giving underserved children in the U.S. and around the world a healthy start in life, protection from unsafe living conditions and the opportunity to learn.
And now through the end of 2018, when you purchase any of the 75 gifts featured in the catalog in honor of a friend, colleague or family member, Johnson & Johnson will match each dollar you spend, up to a total donation of $450,000.
Get inspired with some of our favorite presents from the catalog that have the potential to make a big impact.
1. Water for Refugees
This kit includes soap, a bucket and water-purifying aqua-tabs for those who can’t access clean water. ($20)

A woman who just received a Save the Children baby kit. The kit contains a blanket, a warm baby hat, baby socks, nappies of the appropriate size, baby soap and cream, baby wipes, a baby changing mat, hand sanitiser, nappy disposal bag and information material. In case of newborns (0 to 1 month), the kits also includes a newborn all-in-one, a newborn bodysuit, a baby swaddle, sanitary pads and newborn-specific information material.
Gabriele François Casini/Save the Children
2. Refugee Basics Bag
Each satchel is filled with such basic hygiene supplies as soap and toothpaste to help restore everyday dignity to people displaced from their homes. ($35)

As leader of the Vipecbalm community, Jose’s home illustrates model hygiene and farming and goat raising practices. Pictured is Jose’s wife Maria (back) and their three children – from left, Alicia (age 4), Eliseo (age 9), and Adolpho (age 6) – in the family garden. For nearly 40 years, Save the Children has been working in rural Guatemala to provide families like these with health, education, and economic opportunities.
Wendy Christian
Fruit Tree Seedlings
As these seeds sprout into trees, they help provide a hungry child with crucial nutrition. The surplus fruit can also be sold by families to pay for their kids’ schooling. ($25)
4. A Girl’s Education
This present can provide a young girl with access to schooling, plus all the books and learning materials she’ll need to succeed. ($75)
5. A Fully Stocked Library
Your donation helps to outfit a U.S. library with high-quality, educational books that will benefit generations of children to come. ($100)
Shop the Complete Gifts of Joy Catalog
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