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Mediamatician EFZ

Our apprentices report on their apprenticeship...

“As an EFZ media technician at Johnson & Johnson, there is rarely a day that starts the same as the previous one. This is for the simple reason that mediamaticians have many different tasks to perform. For example, my job involves designing a PowerPoint presentation, editing a video or gathering information for a banner. I have a very good relationship with my colleagues at work. Johnson & Johnson is a company with several locations in Switzerland. This allows me to meet people from all over Switzerland and build a network. Furthermore, there are many different nationalities represented within Johnson & Johnson, so you get in touch with people from all countries. I feel comfortable being part of the Johnson & Johnson family of companies. Despite my position as a learner:r, I am valued and do not feel like a cheap labor.”
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Mediamaticians are responsible for the creation and processing of digital raw data (film sequences, photos, music or sound recordings). You develop and design content for presentations, flyers and brochures. Maintaining websites using current web technologies also falls into your area of responsibility. In addition, you organize events, lead meetings or occasions.
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Training & Requirements

Duration: 4 years
Graduation: Federal Certificate of Proficiency in Mediamatics EFZ
Previous education: Completed compulsory school with basic requirements
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Core competencies for this apprenticeship

  • Interest in multimedia
  • Creativity
  • Quick comprehension
  • Abstract-logical thinking
  • Technical understanding
  • Graphic flair
  • Ability to communicate and work in a team
  • Organizational talent
  • Empathy
  • Sense of responsibility, independence
  • Ability to concentrate
  • Flexibility


Johnson & Johnson (Synthes)
Luzernstrasse 21
4528 Zuchwil SO
Apply now!
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Application Documents

  • Letter of application
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Copies of upper secondary school certificates or Matura certificates
  • Multicheck / Basic Check
  • Trial apprenticeship reports (if available)