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For more than two decades, Johnson & Johnson has been supporting efforts to address the TB epidemic by enabling access to our multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) medicine without compromising its effectiveness, investing in TB systems capacity and equipping the health workforce to address underdiagnosis, one of the greatest barriers to ending TB.
Recognizing 10+ years of impact enabled by our medicine for multidrug-resistant TB
When our medicine was approved in 2012, it was the first targeted TB drug with a novel mechanism of action to be approved in more than 40 years. Today, it is recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a core component of all-oral treatment regimens for nearly all MDR-TB patients and more than three of every four MDR-TB patients are being treated with an all-oral regimen containing our medicine.

Pathway to progress
Our medicine receives accelerated U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for adults living with pulmonary MDR-TB. Johnson & Johnson fully funded all 14 studies that were included in the initial submission supporting the regulatory approval by the U.S. FDA and has registered our medicine in more 70 countries since 2012, including many with the highest prevalence of TB.
Johnson & Johnson coordinates a compassionate use program to provide early-access to our medicine in high-burden countries, including South Africa and India, ensuring rapid access while helping to contribute to the body of real-world evidence regarding our medicine.
Johnson & Johnson enters collaboration with the Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility to facilitate access to our medicine in more than 130 low- and middle-income countries.
Johnson & Johnson launches four-year donation program with USAID and Pharmstandard, ultimately donating 105,000 courses from 2015-2019 in up to 110 eligible countries.
Our medicine is added to WHO Essential Medicines List.
Johnson & Johnson signs Declaration on Combatting Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), joining the first industry-wide call for collective action to address AMR.
Johnson & Johnson supports initiatives to detect undiagnosed TB cases and improve treatment outcomes for TB patients by focusing on basic principles such as disease awareness and education, diagnosis and testing, treatment and care in India.
South Africa becomes the first country to recommend an injection-free regimen containing our medicine for all eligible MDR-TB patients. The decision was based on data from the local conditional access program supported by Johnson & Johnson, which found that our medicine led to significant reduction in mortality.
The Government of India recognizes Johnson & Johnson for its efforts to broaden access to treatment, address underdiagnosis and build health systems capacity.
Johnson & Johnson and Stop TB Partnership announce a joint effort to accelerate scale-up of WHO-recommended all-oral treatment regimens enabled by our medicine in more than 130 eligible countries.
Pediatric formulation of our medicine added to the World Health Organization Model List of Essential Medicines (EML)
Johnson & Johnson announces a series of initiatives aimed at helping to empower a generation of youth to end TB in high TB burden countries, as part of our support for the global effort to find the missing millions of people living with undiagnosed TB.
Johnson & Johnson grants Stop TB Partnership´s Global Drug Facility a license to tender, procure, and supply generic versions of our medicine for the majority of low-and middle-income countries.
With Johnson & Johnson support, Ending Workplace TB launches a white paper outlining solutions to keep healthcare workers and patients safe from airborne pathogens in healthcare facilities.
Johnson & Johnson supports the “Take Charge Against TB” program in India, which equips frontline healthcare workers in urban slums with tools they need to connect their communities to care and accelerate early diagnosis.
By the numbers
1,000,000 courses of our medicine delivered to date
163 countries accessing our medicine, including the 30 highest-burden countries
More than 3/4 of patients diagnosed and in treatment for MDR-TB are receiving a regimen containing our medicine
300,000 healthcare providers trained on - management of MDR-TB
Addressing barriers to ending the TB epidemic: Underdiagnosis
Underdiagnosis remains a significant barrier to treatment. Each year, more than 2.6 million people are living with TB without a diagnosis, keeping them from accessing the treatment they need to be cured and leaving communities at-risk for transmission.